Sunday, November 06, 2005


I Have a Lot To Say - When I Get Brave Enough

Blogging is new to me. I have a lot to say when I can think of how to say it. I got a lot of ideas from Granny on her blog "Is America Burning", which is so much like my own viewpoints. I probably disagree in some respects but in most I agree, I believe. But it's ok to disagree in some ways, as long as people can come to agreement on the most important things and work together for improvements.
Don't be afraid, just say it! Tell what you think, offer your ideas, express your concerns and don't worry about your posts being deathless prose. Just write like you speak and forget Writing 101 from school. All that is important is communicating. We NEED input from the younger generation. Good luck.
Ha. Worried American got here first. The problem with the Pacific time zone is I'm always late to the party.


We don't have to agree. I'm sure WA and I don't some of the time.
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